Safety is our Priority

At Chesapeake & Delaware, we want our employees to come to work, perform their required job duties, and return home safely to their families and friends. We believe no job is ever to be done unless it can be done safely. Our employees continuously evaluate work processes and help refine them to lessen exposures.

We understand the improvement of railroad safety is an ongoing process that involves constantly enhancing operating practices. Our management has decades of experience working with employees, customers, communities, as well as federal and state agencies to improve freight rail safety and the integrity of our network. 

C&D railroads work to meet requirements set out by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration to ensure safe transportation of freight across New Jersey. Currently, there are more than two dozen such programs with which we are responsible for compliance. We are committed to meeting the railroad safety requirements set out by state and federal regulating agencies and work diligently to improve transparency and efficiency of the auditing and inspection. 

Emergency Contacts

(833) 752-1849
For Railroad Emergencies,
dial ext. 6
For other contacts, visit our Contact page.

Hazardous Materials

Railroads have a common carrier obligation to carry hazardous materials. This means freight railroads are required by the federal government to transport these materials (whether railroads want to or not). To address the risk and liability that railroads are forced to assume when they carry highly hazardous traffic, the rail industry supports public policies that encourage chemical producers and users to substitute less hazardous products and technologies whenever possible. (Source: Association of American Railroads)

Hazardous materials account for a small percentage of shipments across C&D railroads. Regardless, we take the safety and security of those shipments very seriously. To meet all federal and state standards, our employees participate in hazardous materials transportation training, including training on types of hazmat railcars, inspecting hazmat railcars, hazmat transportation rules and standards, proper hazmat shipping papers, safety data sheets (SDS) and emergency response procedures. Our crews receive annual training, testing, and education on handling materials to meet requirements and federal safety standards.

Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver (OL) is a nonprofit public safety awareness organization dedicated to reducing collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail crossings and trespassing on or near railroad tracks. OL is a leader in providing the public with rail safety education and ending death and injuries due to trespassing and collisions on the tracks.

OL’s network of authorized volunteer speakers and trained instructors offer free community railroad safety education programs in New Jersey. Volunteers speak to school groups, driver education classes, community audiences, professional drivers, law enforcement officers, and emergency responders. OL’s volunteers promote the three E’s—education, enforcement, and engineering—to keep people safe around the tracks and railway crossings within our communities. 

Presentations are typically an hour in length and can be tailored to the audience, whether it be a kindergarten class or log truck drivers. C&D supports Operation Lifesaver throughout our operating areas. To request a presentation, please contact Operation Lifesaver.

Operation Lifesaver National Office
Phone: 703-739-0308

New to shipping by rail?

Click below for our guide to getting started.